The Red Hawk Pantry

A recent article in US NEWS AND WORLD REPORT shared a statistic that 29% of students at four-year colleges suffer from food insecurity. The number is much higher among students of color, according to The Hope Center for College, Community and Justice's #RealCollegeSurvey published in March 2021.

Here at Montclair State University, we have been addressing the needs of our students who suffer from food insecurity through the Red Hawk Pantry which provides food and toiletry items for students in need.

"This year, we have seen an overwhelming increase in students visiting the Red Hawk Pantry – now averaging 1,000 students each month, and I can tell you, they are so very grateful for this resource," said Adela Caceres, Director of the Office for Social Justice and Diversity. “A gift of $25 would help us feed 2 students a week. Those dollars go a long way in helping us keep our shelves stocked with food and necessities. We cannot say thank you enough for donor support."

Now more than ever, with the escalating cost of groceries, gas and our current economic climate, donor support for our pantry is a necessity. Your support allows the pantry to purchase needed food and toiletry items to keep our shelves stocked throughout the year. Donations also allow the pantry to adapt to the changing needs of our student population.

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