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MSU Wind Symphony - 2019 CBDNA National Conference

Raised toward our $10,000 Goal
64 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on February 28, at 12:00 AM EST
Project Owners

Thank You!

February 28, 2019

Dear Friends,


Thanks in part to your financial support, the MSU Wind Symphony was able to travel to Arizona and very successfully represent MSU to the nation! We can not thank you enough. 


Our concert at the College Band Directors National Association National Conference was recorded by a company called, "" and, soon, an archived recording of our concert will be uploaded onto their site. I encourage you to watch our amazing students in action, and I know you will be as proud of them as I am. 


Again, many thanks for helping us, in many ways, to put the Cali School of Music and Montclair State University "on the map" of many of the biggest and best schools of music in the United States.


Most sincerely,

Tom McCauley

From Dr. Tom McCauley

February 07, 2019

Please allow me thank all of you who were able to contribute to our fundraising campaign! Your donations are helping our amazing students travel to appear at the 2019 College Band Directors National Association National Conference in Tempe, Arizona. All of your contributions, no matter the amount, have already been a tremendous help to us. 


We have extended this fundraising campaign for the next two weeks. As I write this, we are only two weeks from our departure date, and we anxiously await our opportunity to represent Montclair State University, the College of the Arts, the John J. Cali School of Music, and the state of New Jersey before a national audience. 


Any contribution you make to our efforts will go directly to helping defray the costs of airfare, baggage, hotels, bus transportation, and meals for our students who have worked long and hard to prepare for this opportunity. 


I thank you in advance for anything you are able to do. 



Tom McCauley


Meet Allan Daleus, a student in the MSU Wind Symphony.

October 12, 2018

Meet Allan Daleus, a student in the MSU Wind Symphony. Hear his message on behalf of the entire ensemble about this great opportunity for them to perform at the invitation only 2019 CBDNA National Conference.  Learn how you can help make their dreams come true!

Help MSU Wind Symphony Get to Goal

October 12, 2018

The 60 member MSU Wind Symphony is invited to perform at the 2019 CBDNA National Conference at Arizona State in February 2019. We need your help to get there. Thank you for your support!

Our way
of Thanking You


Program Naming

Your name will appear in our concert tour program.

22 of 100 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: December 2018


Program and 1 Concert Ticket

Your name will appear in our concert tour program, and you can receive 1 complimentary ticket to one of the following MSU Wind Symphony concerts: Friday, March 22, 2019, 7:30 p.m, Kasser Theater and Friday, May 3, 2019, 7:30 p.m., Kasser Theater

3 of 100 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: December 2018


Program and 2 Concert Tickets

Your name will appear in our concert tour program, and you can receive 2 complimentary tickets to each of the following MSU Wind Symphony concerts: Friday, March 22, 2019, 7:30 p.m. , Kasser Theater and Friday, May 3, 2019, 7:30 p.m., Kasser Theater

3 of 100 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: December 2018
Our Crowdfunding Groups