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Zen Den - Mindful Student Spaces

Raised toward our $1,500 Goal
17 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on August 30, at 02:14 PM EDT
Project Owners

Help Student Leaders Create Zen Den Spaces!

Help our student leader Board of Trustee Representatives, and Student Government Association to fund an essential project - the creation of Zen Den Spaces!

Zen Dens are rooms of mindfulness and calmness for students to utilize to escape the busyness of campus life. There is one currently located in Life Hall for the students who utilize that facility. As student leaders, we believe that implementing more on campus can help address mental health issues and allow for students to have another safe space on campus to utilize. Please join us to help create two more zen dens for students in Schmitt Hall and the Student Center!

"Creating Zen Dens on campus reflects our commitment to supporting the holistic well-being of our students. At Montclair State University, these quiet spaces provide a sanctuary for students to find peace, regroup, and nurture their mental health, ensuring they have the resources to thrive academically and personally." - Dawn Meza Soufleris, PhD, Vice President for Student Development and Campus Life

Make a gift today and help our students reach their goals. Every gift, no matter the size, will help make an impact and will be matched 1:1 by our Parents Fund. Let's come together to make Zen Dens a reality for our students.

Choose a giving level


Laptop table and Sensory toys

Gift of $20 will help purchase a laptop table, sensory toys and pillows.


Beanbag chairs

Gift of $30 will help purchase a beanbag chairs.


Greenery plants

Gift of $40 will help purchase greenery plants.


White noise machine

Gift of $60 will help purchase white noise machine and aromatherapy diffuser.


Wireless on-ear headphones

Gift of $100 will help purchase wireless on-ear headphones with active noise cancellation.

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