Join Me with $83!

Join Me with $83! Image
Participation Drive
30 Donors
Towards goal of 100 Donors
$10,838.00 Raised
days left
Project ends on June 30, at 02:06 PM EDT
Project Owners
Choose a giving level


Recurring Matching Gift $500

Make a gift of $41.67 each month for a total gift of $500.04 and have your gift matched for a total gift of $500.04


$60 BAAC 100% Commitment

Join with fellow Black Alumni Council Members to make a minimum gift of $60 to be counted in our goals to have 100% particiapation from our Council


Recurring Gift $1,000

Make a recurring gift each month of $83.34 for a total gift of $1,000.08 and membership into Montclair's leadership donor society, The President's Club.


One Time Gift $500

Make a one time gift of $500 and have your employer match it for a total of $1,000 and membership to Montclair's President's Club


One Time Gift $1,000

Make a one-time gift of $1,000 and become a member of Montclair's President's Club

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